„Building a module is a headache...“ - Ok, I’ll provide you with some medicine

December 18, 2007 Digital Experience
Apparently there are quite a few people that think that building a module is a headache. Well it’s not a headache; it’s just overkill for most of the scenarios. Due to my complete disregard of common sense, I’ve started a series on how to build custom pluggable module, before making a series on how to build an intra-site module for Sitefinity. Namely, intra site modules are far simpler and quicker to implement. If you are planning to use module on one installation of Sitefinity and don’t intend to sell your module as a third-party module, there is really no reason to build a custom pluggable module. You can take the easy way out and create an intra-site module, except that currently it’s not such an easy way out since there is no series of blogs explaining how to do that. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

To redeem myself, I’ll create a new series of posts which will explain building a Sitefinity intra-site module. The well known Contacts custom pluggable module, this time I am going to build as an intra-site module, which I hope will help to emphasize the difference of approaches between custom pluggable module and intra site module.

And finally, to get rid of all the guilt I am carrying around at the moment, I’ll make a video out of it at the end of series.

We are starting tomorrow, so stay tuned…

The Progress Team