What Generic Content module should I create?

June 25, 2010 Digital Experience

During the past couple of days I’ve been wandering around the admin-side of Sitefinity.com looking at how the Telerik web team has addressed various issues using Sitefinity.  Sitefinity.com has a lot of content and it’s been interesting to see how we’re managing this content inside Sitefinity. 

As it turns out, the Telerik web team is using Generic Content modules to create the following features:

Give these sections a look on Sitefinity.com and notice how diverse these sections look from the outside. 

These Generic Content modules are easy to create and, unless you have advanced requirements, these modules are sufficient for managing most content requirements.  Anton Hristov suggested that we do a webinar that demonstrates how we’re using Generic Content modules to quickly create new content types and sections on Sitefinity.com.

So here is my question: what module would you like to see created during this webinar? I’ll open-source this module at the conclusion of this webinar.  Please let me know your thoughts.

The Progress Team