US DST Changes

February 28, 2007 Data Platform

As some of you may already know, and I suspect some of you will be surprised, Day Light Savings Time is starting earlier this year. The changes can be summerized as follows: "The United States has planned a change to its DST observance beginning in 2007. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 mandates that DST will start on the second Sunday in March and end on the first Sunday in November. In 2007, the start and stop dates will be March 11 and November 4, respectively. These dates are different from previous DST start and stop dates. In 2006, the dates were the first Sunday in April (April 2, 2006) and the last Sunday in October (October 29, 2006)." I received many enquiries as the impact, especially on our 'Connect' products, so I thought a quick post will direct these questions to our official statements on this change. You can details on ODBC, JDBC and ADO.NET by clicking the respective technology for further details.

Jonathan Bruce