Sitefinity Ecommerce - Pre-purchasing processing hook

May 24, 2012 Digital Experience

Another hook introduced into Sitefinity 5.0 is a pre-processing hook that allows you to write customized code through a pre-purchase processing hook in the Ecommerce module.   This could be used to do any business logic that a merchant needs before processing an order.   A developer can create custom code and register the code to be called before the order is placed.
There are endless reasons for why you would want custom code to be executed before placing the order.  Below are just a few ideas on how you may take advantage of this extendable and powerful new feature in Sitefinity Ecommerce.
1.    Perform any business logic needed before purchasing and cancel an order if it doesn’t pass validation.
2.    Check inventory quantities with a third party software package such as SAP, NetSuite, QuickBooks and Microsoft Dynamics.
3.    Allow specific products to be purchased based on rules such as 1) only product B to be purchased if product A has been purchased in the past by that user or role.
4.    Check low inventory quantities – send email to applicable purchaser.
5.    Change pricing if needed based on roles or some other business rules.

To use these events developers should add Global.asax file to SitefinityWebApp project and subscribe to the Ecommerce events.

The Ecommerce specific events can only be registered after Sitefinity’s Bootstrapper has initialized.  So, first subscribe to the Bootstrapper.Initialized method. In the Bootstapper_Initialized method you can subscribe to Ecommerce specific events like EcommerceEvents.OrderPlaced or EcommerceEvents.PaymentResponse.

See the code below for an example.

I am sure you will find this feature very helpful allowing you to integrate customizations that you may need for your online store.  All future exposed events will be in the EcommerceEvents class. 

The Progress Team