Save Images from the Images and Documents module back to the file system

January 31, 2010 Digital Experience
When you upload images from your file system to Sitefinity using Images and Documents module all items go to the database as binary object. In some cases you may need to get this Images back to your file system - upload them in another project, back up on the server, user server system as storage instead of the database due to some limits. The built-in implementation of the module does not expose similar option, so I decided to write a simple code for this.

Using Sitefinity's API, I get all images from a given library. Each IContent object of this library is an image, so the content of this IContent object is actually the buffer I need to build an image using System.Drawing.Image class.

                 string storage = "C:\\Projects\\Sitefinity\\Images\\"
            var man = new LibraryManager(); 
            ILibrary lib = man.GetLibrary("ImageGallery"); 
            IList allImages = lib.GetItems(); 
            foreach (IContent contentItem in allImages) 
                int i = 0; 
                IContent cnt = man.GetContent(contentItem.ID); 
                string name = (string)cnt.GetMetaData("Name"); 
                string ext = (string)cnt.GetMetaData("Extension");  
                byte[] buffer1 = (byte[])cnt.Content; 
                System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(buffer1)); 
                img.Save(storage + name + ext, ImageFormat.Jpeg); 
            Response.Write(i.ToString() + "-" + "items have been uploaded to:" + storage); 

Here all my images are jpeg, but you can add switch loop for all common formats - jpeg, png, bmp, so that the items will be stored with the same extension to your file system.

The Progress Team