Right-to-left Writing Format for Sitefinity's Backend

November 27, 2013 Digital Experience
Sitefinity does not contain an out-of-the box right-to-left writing theme. This short blog post illustrates how to modify your built-in theme to match your desired writing style.

First, we need to download the already modified Sitefinity Theme with right-to-left writing style. Actually the only modified line is in “/CSS/Layout.css”:

min-width: 1250px;
font-family: Arial,Verdana,Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 1.5;
direction: rtl !important;

Now we need to place our theme files in the project folder:

Then we have to register the theme in Sitefinity:

 In my case I have placed the theme in: MyProjectName/App_Data/Sitefinity/WebsiteTemplates/Right_To_Left_Theme/App_Themes/RightToLeft

So the correct path is: ~/App_Data/Sitefinity/WebsiteTemplates/Right_To_Left_Theme/App_Themes/RightToLeft

After having the theme registered, we have to make our backend template use it:
Go to Administration > Backend Pages > Templates and select the template you want to change:

 All set! The change should take effect immediately.

Here you can download the modified theme: RightToLeft

Vassil Vassilev