Ready to upgrade from Sitefinity 3.x?

August 16, 2011 Digital Experience

Included in Sitefinity 4.2 is an Alpha release of the Sitefinity Migration Tool.  This is an early release of this tool, but the eventual goal is to enable everyone to make the leap to Sitefinity 4.  This post contains information and guidance about this tool.

The migration story continues

This Migration Tool was originally released as an open-source project through CodePlex.  However, this tool only covered basic migration scenarios.  Consequently, customers who had advanced web sites found themselves stranded on the Sitefinity 3 platform.

Last month, Georgi Chokov expressed our internal commitment to tackling this challenge. 

“We realize that a better solution is needed to migrate Sitefinity 3.x projects to 4.x and we feel the need to take a stronger position on this matter. Therefore we’ve assigned one internal team to enhancing the migration tool and this will be their main focus over the next weeks”

Georgi also outlined what we’re now seeing in Sitefinity 4.2:

“We are also taking the migration tool off Codeplex and are going to include it as a module inside Sitefinity 4.x.”

The Alpha release of this Migration Tool marks the beginning of a stream of improvements.  This includes not only improvements to the Migration Tool, but also improvements to Sitefinity to re-address popular 3.x extensibility points (WebEditors?).

What to expect

The Alpha release of this Migration Tool addresses several fundamental challenges (moving content, preserving URL’s, preserving publish dates, etc.), but there are still several rough edges.  Early adopters of this tool can expect challenges when migrating from 3.x to 4.x.

However, early adopters will also guide our efforts and get their upgrade challenges addressed sooner.  Our goal over the next few months is to work one-on-one with several customers to migrate their 3.x projects to 4.x.  These real-world experiences will produce the tools and resources we’ll use to make the upgrade process as seamless as possible for all customers.

This is an excellent opportunity for eager customers to work with us to migrate their web sites from Sitefinity 3 to Sitefinity 4.

How to get started

1.  Volunteer in this thread.

2.  Download Sitefinity 4.2

3.  Click the Migration Tool link from the Dashboard

4.  Follow the on-screen instructions – Be sure to backup your projects & database

5.  Post your feedback to Migration Forum.

The Progress Team