Must attend: ADO.NET Provider Writer Tech Preview

July 10, 2006 Data Platform

Just spotted this: David Sceppa, ADO.NET Program Manager has posted an announcement describing a must attend Tech Preview running from Monday, July 31st to Wednesday, August 2nd. This should be an excellent together of all the major leaders in the space, and given Microsoft's continued efforts to work more in a open and inclusive fashion it will be a unique opportunity to work with everyone who has a vested interest in this space.... and of course it will be interesting to meet everyone.

A fairly broad agenda looks like something like this: - Gain an in-depth understanding of the features planned for the next major release of ADO.NET - Work with early version of the upcoming August CTP - Review product plans as well as code - Meet the Data Programmability team I will of course be attending as its always good to spend time with the Data Programmability team. Need more details ? Check out David's posting here

Jonathan Bruce