How to Retrieve Custom Fields from Older Versions of Items Using the Sitefinity API

November 15, 2013 Digital Experience
This will be a very short blog post showcasing how to get an older version from the Revision History and then get the value of a custom field. For this example we will use a document.

In order to get the version history of an item, we need to work with the Master version. After we get it, we can use the version manager to get the version history for this item. After that we create a document that will temporarily host the values from the older version we are querying, giving us access to everything we need.

var man = LibrariesManager.GetManager();
var item = man.GetDocuments().Where(d => d.Title=="Blog" && d.Status == ContentLifecycleStatus.Master).FirstOrDefault();
 VersionManager versionManager = VersionManager.GetManager();
 var sf_versions = versionManager.GetItemVersionHistory(item.Id);
 foreach (var vers in sf_versions)
     var lmdate = vers.LastModified;
     var doc = man.CreateDocument();
     versionManager.GetSpecificVersionByChangeId(doc, vers.Id);
     var cfield = doc.GetValue("CustomField1");
     var title = doc.Title;

Here is a video of the code in action:

Atanas Valchev

Atanas Valchev is a Tech Support Engineer at Telerik. He joined the Sitefinity Support team in March 2012.