How to Display Email Campaign Issues on Sitefinity Pages

April 22, 2013 Digital Experience
In this blog post I'm going to show you how to place links to already sent Email campaign issues on your Sitefinity pages. The same approach can be used to link fallback versions of your campaigns, directly in the issue itself.

To achieve this, we need two simple user controls:

  • NewsLettersFront contains a repeater that lists all your issues. Since all Sitefinity newsletters campaigns have internal links, that aren't visible if you're not logged it, you don't have a link for each issue as there used to be in 5.1. This functionality is removed, because of security reasons. What we'll do is render the content of the issue on a Sitefinity page, which will simulate the issue being opened in the browser. The repeater lists anchor items with URLs, leading to some page, concatenated with a queryString, where we pass the id of the issue. As I mentioned, you pass the issue id in the queryString and you're redirected to some page. Then on this page you have the CampaignDetail widget.
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="NewsLettersFront.ascx.cs" Inherits="SitefinityWebApp.NewsLettersFront" %>
<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="myRep">
        <div class="span11">
            <div class="quotestests">
           <a href='<%# string.Format("nameOfPageForIssues?id={0}", Eval("Id")) %>' ><%#Eval("Name")%></a>
        <br />

namespace SitefinityWebApp
    public partial class NewsLettersFront : System.Web.UI.UserControl
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var pManager = PageManager.GetManager();
            using (ElevatedModeRegion elevatedModeRegion = new ElevatedModeRegion(pManager))
                NewslettersManager manager = NewslettersManager.GetManager();
                Campaign campaign = manager.GetCampaigns().Where(c => c.Name == "TestCampaign").SingleOrDefault();
                var issues = manager.GetIssues(campaign);
                var render = new InMemoryPageRender();
                myRep.DataSource = issues;

  • CampaignDetail handles the logic for getting the queryString parameter value and using it to retrieve the issue. I'm retrieving the issue by its id with the GetIssue() method of the NewslettersManager. After you have the issue, you get its html, and with ResponseWrite (passing the html) you recreate the issue on the page. This way it looks like you're opening the issue in a new page:
public partial class CampaignDetail : System.Web.UI.UserControl
       protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
           var pManager = PageManager.GetManager();
           NewslettersManager newsletterManager = NewslettersManager.GetManager();
           var render = new InMemoryPageRender();
           var queryStringId = Request.QueryString["id"];
           if (queryStringId != null)
               Campaign issue = newsletterManager.GetIssue(new Guid(queryStringId));
               if (issue != null)
                   var campaignMessageBody = issue.MessageBody;
                   var node = pManager.GetPageNode(campaignMessageBody.Id);
                   var text = render.RenderPage(node, false, isIndexMode: false);
                   var realHtml = HtmlProcessor.ProcessHtml(text);

As mentioned above, you can use this approach to place fallback campaign links directly on the emails, sent to your subscribers.

Hope you find the blog post useful!

The Progress Team