Creating Sitefinity 4 Content Modules Part 5: Module Installation

July 20, 2011 Digital Experience

Table of Contents

This series covering Sitefinity Content-Based Module creation is broken up into 5 parts:


In the last four posts in this series, we laid the foundation and connected all the plumbing for our module. Now that everything is in place, the only thing left to do is complete the module class, registering and initializing the module and its associated controls and pages.

This is done by filling in the methods we created in part 1, and we'll take a look at each method and what it does separately. Once again, the completed project will be available for download (and the complete solution including a sample website) will be distributed in the Sitefinity SDK.


This method registers both the module configuration (LocationsConfig) as well as the backend web service we defined in part 3. Update it with the following code.

/// Initializes the service with specified settings.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="settings">The settings.</param>
public override void Initialize(ModuleSettings settings)

    // initialize configuration file

    // register web services
    ObjectFactory.RegisterWebService(typeof(LocationsBackendService), "Sitefinity/Services/Content/Locations.svc");


This method simply adds the Locations Module to the list of Sitefinity Modules.

/// <summary>
/// Installs this module in Sitefinity system for the first time.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initializer">The Site Initializer. A helper class for installing Sitefinity modules.</param>
public override void Install(SiteInitializer initializer)

    // register module ?
    IModule locationsModule;
    SystemManager.ApplicationModules.TryGetValue(LocationsModule.ModuleName, out locationsModule);



This is the key to module installation. As we saw in part 1, this method is where the actual module installation takes place, creating the backend pages and registering the backend administration we created in part 3. Refer to part 1 for a detailed walkthrough the method then update the method with this code.

/// <summary>
/// Installs the pages.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initializer">The initializer.</param>
protected override void InstallPages(SiteInitializer initializer)
    // code to install admin page nodes and pages
    // get pagemanager
    var pageManager = initializer.PageManager;
    var modulesPageNode = pageManager.GetPageNode(SiteInitializer.ModulesNodeId);

    // Create PageNode if doesn't exist
    var locationsModulePageGroupNode = pageManager.GetPageNodes().Where(t => t.Id == LocationsPageGroupID).SingleOrDefault();
    if (locationsModulePageGroupNode == null)
        // create page node under Modules node
        locationsModulePageGroupNode = initializer.CreatePageNode(LocationsPageGroupID, modulesPageNode, Telerik.Sitefinity.Pages.Model.NodeType.Group);
        locationsModulePageGroupNode.Name = LocationsModule.ModuleName;
        locationsModulePageGroupNode.ShowInNavigation = true;
        locationsModulePageGroupNode.Attributes["ModuleName"] = LocationsModule.ModuleName;

        // hard-code names for now, will eventually be localized
        locationsModulePageGroupNode.Title = "Locations";
        locationsModulePageGroupNode.UrlName = "Locations";
        locationsModulePageGroupNode.Description = "Module for managing a list of Locations";

    // create Landing Page if doesn't exist
    var landingPage = pageManager.GetPageNodes().SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == LandingPageId);
    if (landingPage == null)
        // create page
        var pageInfo = new PageDataElement()
            PageId = LandingPageId,
            IncludeScriptManager = true,
            ShowInNavigation = false,
            EnableViewState = false,
            TemplateName = SiteInitializer.BackendTemplateName,

            // hard-code names for now, will eventually be localized
            Name = LocationsModule.ModuleName,
            MenuName = "Locations Module",
            UrlName = "Locations",
            Description = "Landing page for the Locations Module",
            HtmlTitle = "Locations Module"

        pageInfo.Parameters["ModuleName"] = LocationsModule.ModuleName;

        // create control panel
        var backendView = new BackendContentView()
            ModuleName = LocationsModule.ModuleName,
            ControlDefinitionName = LocationsDefinitions.BackendDefinitionName

        // add page
        initializer.CreatePageFromConfiguration(pageInfo, locationsModulePageGroupNode, backendView);


This method is not used, as we are not performing any upgrades to the module. You can leave it blank for now.


Here we simply register our LocationItem type into the Sitefinity taxonomy system. Use the following code.

/// <summary>
/// Registers the module data item type into the taxnomy system
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initializer">The initializer.</param>
protected override void InstallTaxonomies(SiteInitializer initializer)
    this.InstallTaxonomy(initializer, typeof(LocationItem));


This is simply a helper method to simplify retrieval of the module configuration.

/// <summary>
/// Gets the module config.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
protected override ConfigSection GetModuleConfig()
    // code to return Module configuration
    return Config.Get<LocationsConfig>();


The other major component of any module is the frontend public controls. This method registers the LocationsView control in the Toolbox so users can drag and drop it onto a page.

/// <summary>
/// Installs module's toolbox configuration.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initializer">The initializer.</param>
protected override void InstallConfiguration(SiteInitializer initializer)
    // get section from toolbox
    var config = initializer.Context.GetConfig<ToolboxesConfig>();
    var pageControls = config.Toolboxes["PageControls"];
    var section = pageControls
        .Where<ToolboxSection>(e => e.Name == ToolboxesConfig.ContentToolboxSectionName)

    // create it if it doesn't exist
    if (section == null)
        section = new ToolboxSection(pageControls.Sections)
            Name = ToolboxesConfig.ContentToolboxSectionName,
            Title = "ContentToolboxSectionTitle",
            Description = "ContentToolboxSectionDescription",
            ResourceClassId = typeof(PageResources).Name

    // add locations view if it doesn't exist
    if (!section.Tools.Any<ToolboxItem>(e => e.Name == "LocationsView"))
        var tool = new ToolboxItem(section.Tools)
            Name = "LocationsView",
            Title = "Locations View",
            Description = "Public control from the Locations module",
            CssClass = "sfLocationsViewIcn",
            ControlType = typeof(LocationsView).AssemblyQualifiedName

Public Properties and Constants

Finally, we have a few properties to override, namely the LandingPageId (backed by a private constant) and the Managers, which retrieves the Content Manager for the module. Finish out the module class with the following code.

 #region Public Properties

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the landing page id for each module inherit from <see cref="T:Telerik.Sitefinity.Services.SecuredModuleBase"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>
        /// The landing page id.
        /// </value>
        public override Guid LandingPageId
            get { return LocationsModuleLandingPage; }

        public override Type[] Managers
            get { return new[] { typeof(LocationsManager) }; }


        #region Constants

        /// <summary>
        /// The name of the Locations Module
        /// </summary>
        public const string ModuleName = "Locations";

        // Page IDs
        public static readonly Guid LocationsPageGroupID = new Guid("000262BF-E8EA-4BE3-8C67-E1C2486A57BE");
        public static readonly Guid LocationsModuleLandingPage = new Guid("7A0F43CE-064A-4E09-A3B9-59CA2E1640A6");


Virtual Path Provider Registration

Recall that in the previous step on building the frontend controls for our module, we set a path to their templates using the Virtual Path Provider.

In order for our module to be able to load these virtual paths, they need to be registered during module installation. Otherwise you will get see “error parsing the template” when you add the public control to a page.

Add the following method to the LocationsModule class:

private void InstallCustomVirtualPaths(SiteInitializer initializer)
    var virtualPathConfig = initializer.Context.GetConfig<VirtualPathSettingsConfig>();
    ConfigManager.Executed += new EventHandler<ExecutedEventArgs>(ConfigManager_Executed);
    var locationsModuleVirtualPathConfig = new VirtualPathElement(virtualPathConfig.VirtualPaths)
        VirtualPath = "~/LocationTemplates/*",
        ResolverName = "EmbeddedResourceResolver",
        ResourceLocation = "LocationsModule"
    if (!virtualPathConfig.VirtualPaths.ContainsKey("~/LocationTemplates/*"))

Then simply call the method from the Install method of the module:

public override void Install(SiteInitializer initializer)

    // register module ?
    IModule locationsModule;
    SystemManager.ApplicationModules.TryGetValue(LocationsModule.ModuleName, out locationsModule);




We covered module installation in the "Hello, World" example from part 1 of this series, so here is a summary of the required steps.

  1. Login to the Sitefinity backend
  2. Navigate to Administration > Settings > Advanced Settings
  3. Expand System > ApplicationModules node
  4. Click "Create New"
  5. Add module details; Leave Version blank; Set Startup type to "OnApplicationStart"
  6. Save Changes
  7. Restart your website by saving your site web.config file

Once you've completed installation, you can now go to the Locations module page in the backend, as well as drop the LocationsView onto a Sitefinity page.


With that, the module is complete! The completed module is available for download below, and will also be available in the Q2 release of the SDK.

What's Next

We've now built and installed a complete Sitefinity Content-Based Module. It has all the BASIC components in place, but there is still much more we can do to make our module more complete.

This will be explored further in a continuing series of follow-up Advanced Topic posts, covering everything from adding control designers to the LocationsView control to supporting security, content lifecycle and workflow.

Be sure to share your experience with this module in our Sitefinity 4 SDK Discussion Forum as well as any comments, questions, or suggestions for future posts on module creation.


The Progress Team