Configuring CompareValidation for FieldControls in Sitefinity modules

March 25, 2013 Digital Experience
In Sitefinity you have the ability to compare the value of two field controls. Validation requirements that are going to be used when comparing against other controls' values are: Control to compare, Operator and Validation violation message. Below you could find an example for validating two custom field controls of type data and time created in one dynamic module.

First of all, you need to create one custom module using Module Builder and two custom fields of type data and time. The first one will be used for start date and the second one for end date. After the fields are created you could compare their values by simply adding one validation in the Sitefinity backend. Then follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Administration -> Settings -> Advanced -> Dynamic Modules -> Controls -> YourControl -> Views -> YourModuleBackendEditView -> Sections -> MainSection -> Fields
    Then select the field you want to be validate (For instance: EndDate)
  2. Expand it and go to Validation -> Comparing validations -> Create new
    In the first field Control to compare, enter the ID of the first control (the id of the StartDate custom control). To get the ID of the first (StartDate) custom control go to Administration -> Settings -> Advanced -> Dynamic Modules -> Controls -> YourControl -> Views -> YourModuleBackendEditView -> Sections -> MainSection -> Fields -> StartDate (first custom field) and copy the id of the control.)
    For Operator enter for example: GreaterThanEqual (Please note that you could use different operation. For instance: Equal and est.)
    For Validation violation message type the message you want to be visible when the date is incorrect (the start date is greater than the end date).
  3. Save the changes and restart your application

Note that you have the ability to compare fields controls in content modules as well. The steps for adding CompareValidation are the same with the only difference that you need to add the validation in the BackendEditView main section of the content module you selected.

The Progress Team