31 Practical Uses for New Sitefinity 7.0 Features - Part 3

May 17, 2014 Digital Experience

The release of Sitefinity 7.0 brought with it a ton of improvements and new functionality. That means awesome new features for your sites! After some feedback from you and a bit of brainstorming on our end, we’ve managed to come up with a pretty impressive list of practical uses for some of those new features.

This is the last of three posts. The first post (ideas 1-13) can be found here and the second post (ideas 14-25) can be found here. Let’s dig in!

Personalization By Role

Personalization is one of those things that, when done properly, can add a whole new dimension to an existing site. Using what you already know about your visitors, you can tailor their experiences to promote deeper engagement and higher conversion rates. Check out these usage examples.

Personalized Intranet Pages

Active Directory groups can mapped over to Telerik Sitefinity users. That makes it extremely easy to personalize content, menus and other options that are presented to different people in an organization.

Personalized Dashboards

Both role information and user preferences can be accessed by the personalization engine, which means you can build out any kind of personalized dashboard and cater presentation on a page, content or widget level. 

Personalize Content Based on Integration with Marketo and Salesforce

You can use information like lead score and other personal information stored in CRM and marketing automation software to customize what content gets shown when someone lands on a page.

Other Features

As with each release, there are always a few features that just don’t make the front page. Regardless of their placement on the release notes, here are a few ways to benefit from them on your site.

Share Links with Reviewers Who Do Not Have Backend Access

In many organizations, people who need to “sign off” of content don’t have any reason to have (or have any interest in) back-end access. Now, sharing previews of new or modified pages with those people is as simple as sending a link.

Quick Link to Edit Page Layouts and Widgets

Inline editing is awesome and now, when you need to make changes to the actual widgets or layouts on the pages, the page editor is just one click away.

Exclude Pages from Internal Search Indexes

Websites can get pretty big. With all those pages, there’s a good chance we’ll have a few that need to be excluded from showing up in internal searches. Examples would be ones containing sitemaps and such. Thing is, we still want those pages to be crawled by external engines. In Sitefinity 7.0, that’s possible.

Well, there you have it. 31 practical [awesome!!!] ideas for new Sitefinity 7.0 features. Quite a list if you ask me. :)

Have you done something awesome with Sitefinity 7.0? Let us know in the comments below. If you haven’t already checked out the new release, what are you waiting for? Try it out for free and let us know about your experience.


Tim Williamson