“Shop By” Filters come to Ecommerce in Sitefinity 5.2

November 19, 2012 Digital Experience

“Shop by Filters” also known as “Faceted Filters,” reduce the number of products displayed in a product listing.  Rather than forcing customers down a fixed path (Ex: department navigation), faceted filters allow customers to narrow down product listings using categories that best match their shopping needs.

Sitefinity Faceted Filters allow a merchant to add a product filter to any Sitefinity product listing page, simply by dragging and dropping a widget onto a page.  By editing the properties of the widget, a merchant can define the type of filters to be shown, such as ‘tags’ and ‘price ranges.’  Widget properties also allow for dynamic or hierarchical filters such as departments, product types, and even custom classification fields within a product type.

Sitefinity Ecommerce supports five different filtering types: 

  1. Product types
  2. Price Ranges
  3. Departments
  4. Tags
  5. Classifications

These filtering types can be displayed to the customer in a vertical or horizontal fashion, and as either a check-box or drop-down filter.  

See for yourself

You can try the latest release for yourself on our Try Now page.  And be sure to watch these blogs for a lot more information about these 5.2 features.

The Progress Team