
Why your Enterprise needs a Chatbot during the COVID-19 crisis

Webinar On-Demand

The COVID-19 global pandemic brings into sharp focus the need to keep both our customers and employees informed about how the crisis affects our business. Each would come with their own set of questions and concerns, and each would require different set of answers.

The solution is Progress® NativeChat—a cognitive chatbot driven by artificial intelligence—to reassure your customers about the services that they expect, to reset the expectations for any services that are disrupted and also provide your employees with the latest information and help them with their work-from-home setup.

In this webinar, we will:

  • Explore various ways a chatbot can be used to help your business answer all questions your users might have
  • Look for ways to automate more complex conversations
  • Explain core chatbot concepts
  • Show you step by step how to build a chatbot that could serve your audience

If you're curious about chatbot development, look no further than Progress NativeChat Pilot Program