
Building Q&A Chatbots - No IT Skills Required

Webinar On-Demand

Businesses face a common problem in answering repetitive, routine questions in a friendly, convenient, and highly available manner. Providing docs, FAQ pages, and knowledge base articles are the norm to enable self-service discovery of answers. However, users still have a hard time finding the correct answer to their questions. That results in a means a higher number of direct inquiries for support teams, who end up doing the bulk of the repetitive work.

In this webinar, we’ll explore Chatbots as the modern approach for minimizing repetitive workloads. We'll touch on guidelines and best practices for implementing and managing a frequently asked questions self-service type of Chatbot. We believe that teams working directly with users should have the tools they need to automate mundane tasks and focus their attention on more difficult cases.

You’ll also hear about a limited program at Progress where we’ll work with you to build your first FAQ chatbot and get it to your preferred channel within a couple of weeks!


Headshot-Iliyan Iliev Sebastian Witalec Photo
Iliyan Iliev
Senior Manager,
Software Engineering,
Sebastian Witalec
Developer Relations