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Mar 28, 2022

Using the Ipswitch Documentation Site

Hello, and welcome to our video on how to use the Documentation site. The easiest way to access the site is to go directly to This site houses all of the documentation content for the WhatsUp Gold, MOVEit and WS_FTP products. On the homepage, you will see the current documentation artifacts for the current release of each product. Clicking on any of the titles will take you directly to that piece of documentation.

You will also see a “More” link next to each product title. This takes you to a page dedicated to that specific product. Here you will find all of the current documentation along with an archive of documentation for previous versions of the product. Again clicking on any of the titles will take you directly to that piece of documentation.

Now let’s talk about searching. There is a search box at the top of every page. If you are on the homepage, searching from here searches the entire site across all of the products. However, searching from one of the product pages, only searches that products index. You can accomplish the same results by searching on the homepage, then selecting your product from the Product facet on the left. Other facets include product version, documentation type and language. These facets are here to help you find exactly what you are looking for.

To wrap this up, I also wanted to mention to you that all of this information is also available on the Progress Community. If you visit, searching here will also return results from the documentation index.

If you only want to see results for documentation, simply click the Documentation tab after doing your search. For more on this topic, check out our “Searching the Community” video, as well as any others of interest.

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