Conversion window

Once you define a conversion and its events, Sitefinity Insight starts tracking visitors’ behavior. When enough data is tracked and collected, you can see a comprehensive report on conversion rate and number of visitors that completed the desired activity.

When defining the conversion, you can optionally select the time period, called conversion window, for which data is tracked and analyzed. The conversion window is the time it typically takes for visitors to complete the actions, specified by the conversion events. If you simply do not have any idea how long it takes for visitors to complete the desired conversion event, use the I don’t know option, which automatically sets the conversion window to 6 months. The conversion window may be, for example:

  • 7 days 
  • 30 days
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • 12 months
  • 18 months

If you select, for example, “6 months”, you will track the data collected 6 months back, counted from the date you define your conversion and each day afterwards. For example, if you define the conversion on July 1, 2019, you track and get reports on the data collected only after February 1, 2019. On the next day – July 2 - the report is calculated over the data collected for the 6 months period up to July 2, that is, from February 2. However, records are kept for all data collected from February 1.

Conversion reports are calculated once per day.

Conversion window considerations

  • The bigger the conversion window, the longer it takes for the first report to be calculated by Sitefinity Insight. Generally, each subsequent report takes longer than the previous one since more data is accumulated and analyzed by Sitefinity Insight.
  • The time it takes to collect enough data to result in meaningful reports. For example, you define conversion as Become opportunity, and, typically, your visitors become opportunities for 30 days:
    • Conversion window is too small.
      You set the window to be 7 days. As a result, you do not have enough meaningful data collected and do not get any insights.
    • Conversion window is too big.
      You set the window to 6 months. The case may be that your site changed too much for this period and as a result, visitor behavior that you aim at and track has become irrelevant.
    • Speed with which you collect data.
      If you have low traffic on your site, the speed with which you collect visitors' data is slow. This means you need to set a larger conversion window, so that you gather enough data to get meaningful reports.
  • The length of the sales cycle and volume of conversions.
    The higher the number of conversions and the shorter the sales cycle, the sooner you get meaningful results.

Basically, the conversion window can last as long as you need it to. If you do not think a conversion definition serves your marketing requirements anymore, you can simply delete it. For example, if you define a conversion stating that visitors become opportunities when they request a demo form your site and most visitors have already done that, you may want to define a conversion that requires visitors to have a call with the sales team.


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