Working with a database is a common scenario in enterprise technology, and is comfortable for almost any enterprise developer. No matter the programming language, no matter whether it’s a native app or a web site/web application, the database metaphor is a comfortable one.

The notion of issuing a query (typically in SQL, which is familiar), and getting back a result set of several columns and either a single row, or a tabular set of rows, is familiar. Creating a completely new row of data and updating values of certain columns in an existing row are familiar. Deleting an existing row may or may not be familiar depending on the type of enterprise and the type of the application in question.

These database metaphors are also familiar to analysts and other self-service BI users. And, on top of those familiar metaphors and mechanics, the ODBC (open database connectivity) and JDBC (Java database connectivity) standards – used for creating generic connectors (also known as “providers” or “drivers”) to multiple databases – are well-understood as well.

These drivers create a standard SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE interface that many programming languages and data tools can use, and they translate those queries and commands into native instructions the back-end database can understand. The best connectors make the back-end database do as much of the work as possible, though some will pull back data from the database and then process it further to meet the client’s commands, whether that client is a developer’s code or a BI tool.

If there was a way to merge the familiar database paradigm with API functionality, it would solve many of problems inherent in using REST APIs for data integration. Learning curves would be less steep, and both analysts and developers alike would be able to work productively.

Data APIs: The Gateway to Data-Driven Operation and Digital Transformation

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